Thursday, September 29, 2016

Year 2 in Canada....a solo trip to S'toon

It's almost October. 

Where did September go?

I'm sitting on a plane heading back to Calgary. It was a great visit. Of course I hit all the great places with mom and dad...the Roastery for a much missed Cafe Amigo. A stop by city hospital to pick up IV meds for dad. (Not exactly a highlight...but I'm always up to seeing other landmarks in S'toon! Lol!). After taking dad home to give him his antibiotic, we headed out for more taste testing! 

 The Berry Barn! I didn't get the usual (waffle and farmer sausage) I'm accustomed to eating some amazing waffles made by my very own husband. Yes, I'm very spoiled! I did eye up a plate of perogies and farmer  sausage though. Now THAT I don't get very often! It was delicious and hit the spot. 

By this point we are all thinking...nap! Ha! What would you think after a latte and a full fat meal?! Lol! I figured when was the last time I had a nap...good idea!! Of course it probably lasted 20 minutes...we did have more food to partake in. Kendal and Krista heard I was in town for a quick visit. So, we picked up Kendal and went to see my nephew run in a practice test for cross country running! Look at him go! Speedy Bennett! 

And yes...he lost his he carried it the last couple hundred meters!

Then, off to Fuddruckers we went. We met the rest of the fam there. By the time we got there I was hungry...(not sure how?!) but not for delicious burgers...nope. My days of eating burgers in public are over.😢 I don't want to risk choking on a bun. So, mom and I opted to share a salad and a basket of fries. Of course with their delicious liquid cheese, ketchup and mayo! Did I mention we hit ALL my favorite stops?!! It was a nice visit with the Friesen gang. Kids are growing up! And I also got to see an almost finished Reno at K & K's new house! They will move in soon! 

In the middle of the night I woke up needing not just the bathroom...but my ear was hurting. I tried to just ignore it...but no. It wouldn't go away. Thankfully mom heard me when I went to the bathroom...and said, I'm Awake! Typical mom... Once a mom always a mom. Isn't that nice?! 

I asked her if she had some sudafed...I figured my sinuses where blocked. She lead me to her medicine cupboard. Thankfully she's stocked like a pharmacy! I had my pick. No sudafed....but Advil cold and sinus looked like just what I needed. So, I took 2 (hopefully enough to kill the pain AND knock me out)....and headed to bed. 

I figured 20 minutes and I'd be good. About 1/2 an hour had passed and I could feel my heart just a racing. Hmm...that's strange. I should be a bit sleepy by now. I started to think about the Advil....I wonder if it was the nighttime formula. the night passed and turned into day. And I hadn't slept a wink...I knew what I had taken. I grabbed for the wicker basket on the top shelf of the cupboard...I knew what I was about to find. 😳 NON-drowsy. Yip. The good thing...I didn't have ear pain anymore and I was all cleared up for the day! 

I figured this was a good day, cause maybe I'd get ANOTHER nap! Ha! But, unfortunately my parents and I found lots to keep us occupied. We lazed around til 11:30...that was nice! Then mom and I went to the river to walk and take pictures. Not hard to convince me to go on a photo taking adventure. 😜 especially when I get to used my moms camera! 

It was a beautiful fall day...the trees still had most of their leaves. It was just a bit crisp...but only needed a light sweater. On the other side of the river we had to take the alley for part of the way. The road is falling into the they were repairing it.  The great thing about the alley, was that photographers LOVE the opportunity it presents. So fun...especially with the age of the houses. The last house on our adventure had the best back gate! I guess the best  was saved for last, as they say! We took some great photos of each other there. 

My mom had another surprise waiting for me at home...and we needed to stop and get whipped cream to go on it. Yes....home made pumpkin pie! I would even go as far to say the world's BEST  pumpkin pie!   And, another cafe amigo from the Broadway Roastery.  As you can see by my photo that I equally enjoy the whipped cream! 😜

Well...after that piece...or maybe 2....lunch was complete!  I did only have vegetables for lunch! (pumpkin counts, right?!) ...I'm soooo healthy!

Next up....a pedicure for us mommies! My treat! My mom works hard, being the only bread winner in the family since they discovered in February that my dad has had several strokes over the past 2 years. It affected his eye sight, which has resulted in the loss of his job and  drivers license. Thankfully he can still see! 

So, life has changed for my parents. 

You always know it's going to happen. But when I still is a bit shocking. 

After a  fun and relaxing pedicure we hurried home to get dad. (I doubt he'd want his first pedicure at he stayed home.) we had one last stop to make before the airport.....Vietnamese food! Jasmine's is our fave place to go every time we are home. They know my parents by name and they always have their regular! I enjoy their 'regular ' too! Delicious! Best spring rolls in Canada! 

Off to the 2 days in s'toon, done already. It went fast. It was perfect. And it was so nice to just be with my parents ...alone. Hadn't happened like that in a couple decades I'm sure. I'm thinking I need to do this more often :) plane is almost home. I did miss my babies....but they are big babies now. :) they spent the night with one of the most amazing families! Terence was also out of town the same days as me. We were double booked for a minute until we figured it was ok!  So thankful for friends that would do anything for you in time of need. And Leo was with ANOTHER amazing family having a great time, I hear!  So, everyone was happy! 

A good lesson in life. Spend time with those you love. Don't waste it. And surround yourself with those that truly love you, for you! 

Til next time. 


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Starting again....

Maldives, 2014

I'm starting again.
It's a new year.
A fresh start.
A new look.
A new blog.

5 Months ago we landed back on Canadian soil after being in Bahrain, in the Middle East for 2 years. It was the ride of our lives.  It had it's ups and downs.  The 2 years in a nut shell...INCREDIBLE!  

Incredibly Amazing.
Incredibly TOUGH.
Incredibly Fun.

Prince Ryden
traditional Bahraini Dress

Our kids attended a fantastic American International School.  Learned Arabic, had field trips like Camping in the desert, Mangroves in Dubai, and Space Camp in Turkey.  Also the school soccer team went to Cypress for a tournament.  The opportunities, endless.  The experience for our kids....undeniably the best thing we gave them!  

Do we miss it?
I guess it depends who you ask.  I think we all miss parts of it.  Some of us miss it more than others for sure.  Would we do it again....definitely.  When?  Who really knows.  Yes, we have thoughts, desires, ideas, plans...but when do our plans ever go as planned!  Like seriously...let's be honest.  It NEVER goes as planned.  So, we dream...but but continue to live each day to the fullest.  

Rhodes, Greece

Everyone has to ride a donkey in Greece....

my kids had patience with me and all the photo ops...

We were gifted by being able to move back home.  It was, what we were supposed to do.  I don't doubt that for a second.  Terence going to school...exactly where he should be.  He loves it.  He has entered a world of learning that he hasn't been a part of for over 25 years.  But, he thoroughly enjoys it.  The people he's met, the books he's has pushed him to find out what he's truly capable of.  He has grown in so many ways.  It has encouraged me, as I watch my husband live out his life in 100% commitment to His matter the cost or the risk.  

Times in Calgary aren't great on the work front.  People are still being let go.  Oil is in the toilet.  Good, hard workers, his friends...are out of work.  Yet, we feel this is where we are supposed to be right now.  No, we can't be a student family forever.  What we packed away, will not last.  So, this new year IS full of a lot of unknowns for our family.  Terence has stepped up the job hunt since 2016 has begun.  Are there jobs out there....a few.  But, of course there are hundreds or more realistically THOUSANDS of people probably applying to all the same jobs.  Companies have "hiring freezes" on.  So, his friends in the industry can't really help him at this point. Or, at least that's been the case to this point....

But, you know...there's going to be that one job, that one connection...that will land you the job you're supposed to have. Are we worried?  NOPE. Curious....yip! I'm a "need to know" kind of person.  And, I think as the man of the family, Terence would like to know that in the future he will be able to provide all the needs of his family.  All men have that need within them.  So, we forge on.  Keep trusting the plan God has for us.  I don't doubt he has a great plan...he ALWAYS does.  But, I know it's never what I think it's going to be.  Did I ever dream of living in the Middle East?  Nope.  Did I ever think Terence would be doing his masters? NOPE.  So, I'd like to say I'm completely calm...but that would be a half truth.  I'm half calm...half thinking WHAT in the world does He have planned for our family.  A nice simple job in Calgary...seems too simple a plan.  A phenomenal plan for sure!  But, with so few jobs....will we really get one?  With all these lay offs?  

All I know.  Is that if we're supposed to get one in Calgary...we will.  End of Story.  It may not be the perfect job, but, it will be a job.  

My to trust the one who is greater and mightier than I.  And, the one that has an amazing plan for our family.  It won't necessarily be easy...cause He doesn't promise it will be.  But, it will be what He want for us.  In life we need to go through things to stretch us and grow us.  Stretching and growing is painful.  Sometimes almost too much to bare.  But, through the pain...he promises to be with us.  Giving us strength to make it through.  Our 2 years in Bahrain caused us great pain...and great joy.  Some of the ways we were stretched I thought I just couldn't bare it anymore.  But, when the storm ceased and the sun came truly was worth it all.  I see where I was...and how far we came.  If it wasn't for Bahrain...we would be in Calgary with Terence attending Seminary.  So, clearly the pain is worth it.  Just not very enjoyable in the moment.  But, with each trial...with each stretching I learn more and more that my Father knows best.  And that, produces comfort and peace in my life.

So, onwards and upwards.  Let 2016 be a year of further growth in our family...and a year that we will boldly step out in faith once more.  
I truly hope that I can continue to blog about the ups and downs of this year to come. I've struggled with blogging we'll see how it goes.  I just have this feeling this year will be a year to remember.  And so with aging...we do tend to forget such life events.  So, this blog will be my way of remembering what 2016 entailed!  

Thanks for journeying with us.  Don't be afraid to comment!  It's always nice to hear who's following along!
